Because All Lesbians Are Ugly.

Can anyone remember when I informed you about Ladyhawke coming out?

Well, in the comments, I received quite a few relatively rude remarks about all lesbians being ugly. Of course, we've all heard the "she's only gay because no men want her" statement.

So I wanted to show you all that this is not the case.

Many, many gay women are extremely hot. Here are a few.

Portia De Rossi.

The other half of the world's most famous lesbian, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia is definitely hot. Is she gay? Yes. Could she get possibly any man in the world? Yes. Suck on that.

Chely Wright.

Also easy on the eyes is country singer, Chely. No one gets invited to pose in their underwear for FHM if they're not nice to look at, right?

Not to mention there are some pretty gorgeous bisexual ladies out there too: Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore and Anna Paquin to name but a few.

I'm not trying to typecast all the feminine queer women as the 'hot ones', but of course to a bigoted, heterosexual male, the only ones worth looking at are the girly ones. They're generally all too shallow to look at the boyish cuteness of Ellen DeGeneres, Tegan & Sara and Rachel Maddow.

Finally, as a request, I've been asked to post a picture of myself, the writer of this blog, for you all to judge whether or not I'm ugly myself.

I'm not bisexual, or straight, I'm simply a lesbian. But am I ugly? Do you think I'm incapable of attracting male attention? You decide.