Apparently, after a group of students from a mixed race and gender school in East London, it sparked a controversial argument about whether 'Romeo and Julian' (a play about tackling homophobia, based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet) should be allowed.
According to parents, they think it is ludicrous for 'such a literary masterpiece to be used as a basis for such a politically correct purpose'. Now, excuse me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't we be wanting to use well-known plays and books to put across today's issues so that the audience can relate to them?
Also, it was said that all parents want children to be learning 'Romeo and Juliet' and not 'Romeo and Julian'. Then tell me now why it is acceptable to teach children about suicide (which is not a part of every day human life - if you're emotionally stable, of course) but it is not acceptable to teach them about homosexuality (which is firmly a part of every day human life.)
Straight parents of the UK: the world is changing, get the f**k over it!