Grey's Anatomy got rid of one lesbian character last year and faced a lot of backlash from the gay community. But when Arizona came along, no one was complaining. Will we see the arrival of any more lesbians on TV in 2010?
In other television news, it seems that beloved(?) cable network show The L Word went off air this year.

The L Word paved the way for lesbian visibility way back in 2004, being the first show star an all female, mostly lesbian cast. However this year, the L Word showcased its final season. And boy, did it go out with a bang. For all the wrong reasons, of course.
We all saw a whole host of celebrities come out this year, too. From Brandi Carlile to Kelly McGillis, Clementine Ford to Megan Fox, 2009 was very good for the visibility of out, famous females.
Teens will obviously be very grateful for the lesbian romance portrayed on TV drama Skins between Naomi (Lily Loveless) and Emily (Kathryn Prescott).
Good news for 2010 too: they're back! And it looks all very dramatic too. Check out the E4 Website if you want to know more.
Of course, we also saw the re-administration of Proposition 8 in California this year. Bad news for all the gay and lesbian couples who were hoping to get married. Good news for the ones who took advantage of the law being overturned previously - they were allowed to stay married legally.
So what was the best (or worst) lesbian news for you this year? And what are you hoping happens next year?