That's right, it's that time of year again. And I have to say, it's my favourite time of year.
Let's see how my taste has changed over the year, shall we?
20. Clementine Ford. (Last year: 16.)

You'll probably remember Clementine from The L Word as Molly Kroll. Or you might just remember her because her Mother is Cybill Shepherd. OR you could remember her because she's dating Linda Perry of 3 non-blondes. Whatever, you'll remember her. She's hot.
19. Kathryn Prescott. (Last year: 19.)

Remember when the word 'Naomily' wasn't even on the lesbian vocabulary radar? No, me neither. As one half of the teenage gay couple on the UK teen show Skins, Ms. Prescott has captured the heart of many women, both under-age and of age.
18. Michelle Rodriguez. (New entry.)

I have to admit, I never used to see the attraction to M. Rod. (Hence her absence from last year's list.) However, now I feel like I must have been crazy. Most of you will know her from Lost or perhaps Bloodrayne, but I just know her for being hot.
17. Zooey Deschanel. (New entry.)

Know what? Quirky is in. Meet Zooey Deschanel: indie flick princess and 50s style beauty. Every time I see her, I think I'm looking at a model from the Some Like It Hot era. Those eyes, that hair and especially that zany personality are what makes Zooey so gorgeous.
16. Lea Michele. (New entry.)

Why wasn't Lea on last year's list, you ask? Well, because last year, no one knew her. Unless you're a hardcore musical theatre buff who knows her from her Spring Awakening days. Anyways, most people just know Lea from Glee. Her character Rachel is probably the least hot person ever. But Lea? Lea is a hottie.
15. Penelope Cruz. (New entry.)

You know what they say: everyone loves a little Latino. Oh, is it just me who says that? Well in my opinion, a girl with an accent is hot. But a Spanish girl with an accent? Too hot for words.
14. Jennifer Beals. (Last year: 8.)

Possibly the oldest woman on our list, but she's definitely still got it. Whether you know her from playing pushy Bette Porter on The L Word or from 80s classic dance film Flashdance, you'll know that Beals is the hottest over 40 to grace this list.
13. Lily Loveless. (Last year: 11.)

I remember how much of a controversy it was last year for me to put Loveless ahead of Prescott. Well, she's done it again. I can't help it: I have a thing for blondes. And the quality of Loveless' acting and her character Naomi in Skins probably adds to her attraction for me.
12. Sophia Bush. (New entry.)

Why wasn't Sophia on my list last year? To tell you the truth, I have no f*cking idea. She is probably most well known from her role in One Tree Hill, but it was seeing her in John Tucker Must Die and Nip/Tuck that made me fall in love with her. Mainly because she kisses girls. Mmm.
11. Fergie. (New entry.)

Okay, I admit, I'm drooling just looking at the above picture. I can't help it. That voice, that body... The fact that she's bisexual makes her even hotter. There are no words to describe Fergie other than 'exquisite'.
10. Megan Fox. (Last year: 3.)

Ahh Megan. Does she need an introduction? She claims she's bisexual. She claims she wants to wrestle Olivia Wilde. She says some pretty damn stupid things. But stick some tape over her mouth and we're good to go.
9. Jill Bennett. (Last year: 5.)

Don't you just love those girls who are so obviously gay yet so feminine at the same time? Well, I do. I'd say that was pretty much 'my type'. And Jill ticks all the boxes. She's fiery, fantastic and bloody hilarious. Tune into series 3 of Dante's Cove if you want to see her in action.
8. Cheryl Cole. (New entry.)

I remember kicking myself last year for forgetting to put Cheryl in my top 20. And that was before she had a successful solo career. Having recently toured with the Black Eyed Peas, Cheryl is definitely one of my favourite British ladies. And she'll be happy to know that she beat pal Fergie in my list.
7. Angelina Jolie. (Last year: 4.)

Yeah, yeah, the picture above is only of Angelina's back. So sue me. That is the damn finest back I have ever seen and that's the way it's staying. Lips. Eyes. Smoky voice. Angelina has everything. She even has Brad Pitt. Damn.
6. Julie Benz. (New entry.)

I feel like no photographs actually capture the true beauty of Julie Benz. Star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dexter and most recently playing a lap dancing lesbian in Desperate Housewives, I believe that Benz has the power to turn and gay men straight.
5. Rachel Shelley. (Last year: 17.)

It may sound silly, being British and all, but one of the main things that attracts me to Rachel Shelley is her incredibly sexy accent. Not only that but she has a body to die for. I wouldn't kick her out of bed.
4. Sara Ramirez. (Last year: 2.)

Remember that not so catchy thing I said about Latino ladies? Same applies here. One half of Grey's Anatomy's cutest (and happiest!) couple, Sara is extremely talented and extremely hot. Not only does she have an incredible singing voice, Sara can pull off the hottest scenes. Damn.
3. Eliza Dushku. (Last year: 1.)

Well, well, well, seems last year's winner has been knocked off her number one spot. Doesn't mean she's gotten any less hot, though. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Tru Calling... Eliza has been in a whole batch of great shows and she's looked hot in every single one.
2. Jessica Capshaw. (Last year: 12.)
As Callie & Arizona got more air time on Grey's Anatomy, Jessica just kept getting hotter and hotter. The daughter of actress Kate Capshaw and step-daughter of directing legend Steven Spielberg, Capshaw was brought up in a sparkly atmosphere and that must have rubbed off on her sex appeal. Those legs. HOT DAMN.
So, who's number one? I bet you're thinking 'but you've named all the hot girls!' You're wrong. Oh, so very wrong.
1) Lady GaGa. (New entry.)

Bet you didn't see that coming! Well, unless you know me personally. An unconventional beauty, Lady GaGa has captured the heart (and vagina) of so many lesbian and bisexual women. Remember what I said about quirky girls being the 'in' thing? After seeing the Queen herself live last week, I can safely say that she has the best ass, best legs and best everything of anyone I've ever seen. And the fact that she was caught kissing a girl a couple of weeks ago doesn't hurt either.