Do any of you dedicated readers remember way back in 2008 when I blogged about the 'And Then Came Lola' promo picture?
Well, now you do.

And I finally took the time out to watch the movie!
My cousin bought me it for my birthday and I got round to watching it the other day. I'd usually review this on the review site I co-own, but I felt I'd be doing you lesbians a disservice if I didn't review this film here.
To be honest, I had one bad thing to say about the film - it wasn't long enough! At only around 70 minutes long, it left me feeling like I had just watched an episode of Charmed, rather than a feature film. Dammit!
However, any that Jill Bennett does is magical to me - she can do no wrong!
Cathy DeBuono and Ashleigh Sumner also co-star and do an awesome job.
My favourite part? The freakin' HOT sex scenes. Oh, and Jill's boobs. I mean face. (Maybe.)
The acting isn't exactly Oscar winning, but frankly, I don't give a shit. The film was awesome and there are segments of animation which are both humorous and entertaining.
Loved it.
Not sure it'll be as praised as Imagine Me And You, but it'll definitely become a cult favourite.