I started to buy 24 packs of 16.9 ounce bottles of water. I made a goal to drink 10 bottles a day. I only weighed 190 pounds at that time but I knew that since I had severely dry skin then I probably needed to drink much more water than one half my body weights in fluid ounces. I probably drink an average of about eight 16.9 fluid ounce bottles of water each day. Since I started paying attention to the amount of water that I drink I noticed several things within only two weeks.
- The cracked, flaky skin on my legs started to clear up.
- The discoloration around my wrists disappeared completely. (The skin around my wrists had been extra dry and discolored for years.)
- My urine was either clear or light yellow (It was normally dark yellow.)
- The hard calloused skin on my feet started to soften up.
- I am more regular.
- I noticed a dramatic difference in my sexual performance. (There is nothing more devastating to the male self-esteem than the inability to "get it up.")
- I lost about 10 pounds of fat. (I was not trying to lose weight, but I am more ripped than I have ever been in my life!)
Those are just the things that I immediately noticed. I was so blown away that I looked up some of the other benefits of drinking water. Here are 10 benefits of drinking water.
1. Drinking water is good for fat loss. Water flushes out the by-product (waste) of fat breakdown. When there is not enough water to do this job the liver compensates, which diverts the livers attention from its more important job of burning fat. Also you will naturally eat less when you drink more water.
2. Drinking water is good for preventing certain ailments. Some ailments such as fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, and back pain are caused by dehydration.
3. Drinking water can help you to look younger- What? Yes, water is the mythical fountain of youth. Water flushes toxins out of the skin. When you are properly hydrated your skin and muscles are more full and radiant.
4. Drinking water is good for sexual performance. Yes it is true. Your pride and joy, the love muscle, is mostly comprised of water when it is at its peak performance.
5. Water is good for cleansing and detoxing. Spending tons of money on detoxing solutions without drinking lots of water is defeating the purpose, and may do more harm than good.
6. Drinking water reduces the risk of disease- cancer, heart attack
7. Drinking water helps you to recover from injuries quicker.
8. Drinking water will help to boost your immune system and mental acuity.
9. Drinking water increases energy and alertness.
10. Drinking water cushions joints and muscles.
If 75% of your body is water and roughly 90% of your brain, doesn't it make sense to drink plenty of water? Drinking more water is just one thing you can do for better health. When you incorporate drinking more water with other healthy habits you will be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.